Tuesday 15 October 2013

Writing instructions

Last term we were learning how to write instructions. Here are some examples of our work:

How to make a card for Mum  (By Lucas)
1. First fold the paper.
2. Next draw a picture.
3. Then write a message.
4. Last give the card

to Mum.

How to blow out birthday candles  (By Makeleta)
1. Get an adult to light the candles.
2. Take a big breath and blow the candles out.
3. Get an adult to cut the cake.
4. Eat the cake.

How to cross the road safely (By Jack)
1. Hold a grown ups hand.
2. Look left and right.
3. Check to see there are no cars.
4. Walk across the road.

How to make a frog in the pond (By Nikau)
1. First boil the jug.
2. Pour the water in the cup.
3. Put the jelly crystals in the cup.
4. Put the freddo frog in.
5. Put it in the fridge.
6. Take it home and eat it.

Here we are making our jelly treat!

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