Sunday 24 March 2013

Making numbers

The circles maths group have been learning how to identify numbers 0-10. Today we tried using playdough to make some numbers. Some were harder to make than others. We are also learning to say what number comes before and after a number (to ten). Parents - if you could please practise this at home with your child that would be great!

Apple pikelets

On Thursday Room 2 made pikelets with Mrs Weir. First we went outside to the garden and picked the apples off the tree. Then we grated the apples and mixed them in a big bowl with some flour, baking powder and milk. We all had a turn to stir the mixture. Next we watched Mrs Weir cook the pikelets in a big frying pan. After that we got to eat them. They were delicious! We even left one for Miss Ristrom on her desk.

Saturday 23 March 2013

Our latest stories

Have a look at our latest stories from story writing time: 

"I smiled for the camera". -Lucy

"We made yummy pikelets".  -Tominiko

"We saw the butterfly in Room Three". -Hine

"I am going home to eat my tea". -Nikau

"I played sneak up granny". -Ruby W.

"I liked drawing the pumpkin. We showed the teachers". -Ruby A.

"I got a book out from the library". -Kyle

"We made yummy pikelets with Mrs Weir. They were hot". -Lucas

"I am good at swimming". -Lily

"We are making pikelets". -Luke

"The man had a cool camera". -Melissa

"I made a pretty picture". -Paige  

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Junior fundamentals with Jenny

On Mondays we are lucky enough to have ball skills with Jenny. Our throwing, catching and rolling skills are improving! We've had lots of fun playing games like 'snowball tag' and 'stuck in the mud'. Here are a few pictures of Room 2 in action:

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Rocky shore trip

Have a read of Room 2's stories about our Timaru trip:

"I found a star fish in the rock pools". - Kyle

"We saw cool shells at the Museum". - Ruby A.

"I saw a old bike at the Museum".  - Luke

"I saw sea snails in the rock pools". - Nikau

"I am looking for a crab". - Melissa

"I am holding a cool shell". - Paige

"I played a fun game at the Museum". -Lucy

"I am looking at the sea snail. It felt smooth". - Lucas

"I went in Aliza's group on the trip". - Hine

"We looked at the sea snails in the rock pools". -Ruby W.

"We caught two crabs". -Lily

"I am looking for a crab". -Tominiko

The children had a great day learning about sea creatures. Abig thank you to all the parent helpers!