Sunday 24 November 2013

Hip Hop

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Room two golfers

We tried out golf on the court. We had a turn rolling a ball at a target. We tried to get the middle of the target but it was a bit hard. Next we tried with the golf clubs. The ball stuck to the target because it had Velcro on the back of it. We had to rip the ball off really hard. We loved playing golf.  

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Room 2's visit to the Life Education van

We went to the Life Education bus and saw Harold and Suzanne. Harold sang a funny song about keeping healthy. Then we looked around the room to find puzzle pieces. The puzzle showed us what our body needs to stay healthy. We found a heart (love), a bed (sleep), a house (shelter), a drop of water, some food, and a safety helmet. Next we played with some animal puppets. We gave the puppets some food, drink and exercise. We also saw a doll called Tam who had glow in the dark lungs and heart. We talked about what some of our body parts do. Then we said goodbye to Harold and he gave each of us a book and a sticker to take home.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Writing instructions

Last term we were learning how to write instructions. Here are some examples of our work:

How to make a card for Mum  (By Lucas)
1. First fold the paper.
2. Next draw a picture.
3. Then write a message.
4. Last give the card

to Mum.

How to blow out birthday candles  (By Makeleta)
1. Get an adult to light the candles.
2. Take a big breath and blow the candles out.
3. Get an adult to cut the cake.
4. Eat the cake.

How to cross the road safely (By Jack)
1. Hold a grown ups hand.
2. Look left and right.
3. Check to see there are no cars.
4. Walk across the road.

How to make a frog in the pond (By Nikau)
1. First boil the jug.
2. Pour the water in the cup.
3. Put the jelly crystals in the cup.
4. Put the freddo frog in.
5. Put it in the fridge.
6. Take it home and eat it.

Here we are making our jelly treat!


We had a lady come and visit us from Wastebusters. She showed us lots of things we can recycle at home. We got to be creative and think of other ways we can use an ice cream container. We came up with ideas like: a container to collect sea shells, a hat, a robot, a food bowl for your dog, and even a dinner table for your dolls! The lady showed us some things that she had made out of recycled materials. On our next Wastebusters visit we got to decorate tin cans. We used feathers, tinsel and ribbon.


Tuesday 10 September 2013

When a lamb came to school

Yesterday Lily's Mum brought a lamb into school. Her name is Lucy and she is only four days old. We all had a turn to pat her and feed her. She was drinking special lamb's milk out of a bottle. She wagged her tail when she was drinking! We enjoyed having Lucy come to visit our class.

Monday 24 June 2013

Patterns to five

For Maths the Circles have been learning all the different ways we can make five.

Here's all the ways we came up with to make five:
0 and 5
1 and 4
2 and 3
3 and 2 
4 and 1 
5 and 0 

We made groups of five using teddies:

Monday 17 June 2013

Ordering numbers

The Triangles Maths group have been learning how to read numbers to 20 and put them in order. We did a great job!

Sunday 16 June 2013

Dancing raisins

Last week we tried another science experiment. We put water, vinegar and baking soda into a bottle. Then we dropped in a handful of raisins. Here's what happened....

*Note: We are still learning how to take videos on the class camera - some head twisting may be required for this video!

Pop into Room Two to see our published stories about the raisin experiment.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Soccer skills

On Mondays we have Soccer with Peter from Mid Canterbury Football. Check out our great skills!

Tuesday 21 May 2013

ICT skills

Yesterday afternoon we had the school laptops. We practised typing our names and changing the size and colour of the letters. Next we practised writing some of the words from our reading books. We used words from around the room to help us, and we could even spell some of the words from memory!

Sunday 19 May 2013

Colour experiment

Last week we tried a cool science experiment. We put some milk in a bowl and a few drops of yellow, red and blue food colouring. Then we put a cotton bud in some dishwashing liquid and put it in the milk mixture.

Nikau thought the milk would go rainbow coloured.

Hine guessed that the colours will make a pattern.

Jack said that the colours might turn all dark.

Here's what happened.....

Wow! We were so excited when the colours started swirling around. Room Two are very keen to try another science experiment soon.

Our stories

Have a read of the super stories we have been writing lately:

"We are going to work together".  Tominiko

"In the holidays I went to the races. I saw horses at the races". Lucy

"In the weekend I watched a movie". Jenna

"In the weekend I played with my sister". Ruby A.

"The colours swirled around in the bowl. I liked watching the colours". Harvey

"We mixed the colours up". Melissa

"The colours all got mixed up". Paige

"I went on the park and I went on the slide". Oscar

"I played with the magnets on the whiteboard". Kyle

"We put the food colouring in the bowl. The colours turned purple". Lily

"We put the milk in the bowl". Hine

"We mixed the colours up. The turned dark green". Connor

"I'm going to my Nan's. I'm going to have tea at Nan's". Lucas

"In the weekend I went to the movies. I watched Spiderman". Nikau

"At the movies I got popcorn. I liked the popcorn". Jack

"We put the colours in the bowl. The pretty colours swirled around in the bowl". April

"In the weekend I went to church. I sang songs with my sister". Makeleta

"We went on the field and picked the leaves up. I crunched a leaf up". Luke

"We mixed the colours together. The colours swirled around in the bowl. I liked it" Ruby W.

Monday 8 April 2013

Fishing gear

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about sea life. Today we got to look at some fishing gear. We saw a fishing rod, a harpoon, a wet suit, flippers and a snorkel and mask. We even got to try on some of the gear. We reckon we'd make great fishermen! 


Sunday 7 April 2013

Fruit kebabs

This morning we had a special treat. Miss Ristrom brought in some oranges, pineapple, apples and pears to make fruit kebabs. First Miss Ristrom cut up the fruit into small pieces. Then we had to thread the fruit onto the skewers. Then we had them for morning tea .They were delicious! Stories to come - watch this space.