Sunday 8 March 2015


Art workshop

We went to the hall for a cartoon workshop with an artist. He showed us how to draw different expressions on faces. We added eyes, eyebrows, a nose, a mouth and hair to our faces. Some of us did a great job of listening.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Our trip to the dump

Last Wednesday we visited the dump to learn what happens to our rubbish and recycling. We hopped on board the bus and then we were off on our trip! Some of us saw our house along the way. When we got to the dump we met a nice lady called Sharon. She told us about the things we can recycle at home like cardboard boxes and glass bottles. We got to see some cool things that were made out of recycled material. Then we looked outside at the big cartons of cans, bottles and tins. After that we walked up to the recovery park. We watched as a rubbish truck emptied all of the rubbish onto the ground.