Wednesday 19 November 2014


 We have been doing Drama in class. We decided to practise showing different kinds of expression. We practised showing our angry, excited, sad, surprised, terrified and tired faces. Then we talked about the sorts of things you would say if you were sad, excited or terrified. Have a look at our acting skills!

Monday 3 November 2014

Plunket visit

Today we had the booster rooster from plunket visit us. She talked about why it is important for children to sit in a booster seat in the car. We also learnt about the safest place to sit in the car. 

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Making tens

The triangles have been learning about all the ways to make 10. We used our penguins on ice to explore all the different  groupings within 10. 

Monday 13 October 2014

Monday 15 September 2014

Wiremu's birthday cupcakes

It was Wiremu's birthday on Monday. Room 2 was very lucky because Wiremu and his Mum made some birthday cupcakes for us. They had pink and brown icing and sprinkles. They were red velvet flavoured. We thought they were delicious. Thank you Wiremu and Erin!
It was also Chloe's birthday on Sunday. On Monday morning we sang happy birthday to both Wiremu and Chloe. They are both 6 years old now.

We were very excited to try our cupcakes.

"mmmm" we said.


We love Reading!

Have a look at the movie we made. We tried using different video effects in Windows movie maker. Let us know what you think!

Monday 8 September 2014

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Reading Stations

Here is a slideshow we have made to show our families what we do at Reading time in our class. Click on the play button to watch (you don't need to press the arrows to go onto the next slide as it is has been made as a movie).

Monday 28 July 2014

Traffic lights

Yesterday we went to play ball games with Mark. It was fun because we got to play Traffic Lights. We had to stop and put our foot on the ball when Mark said "red light." When he said "green light" we had to bounce the ball.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

St. John visit

Today we had a visit from an Ambulance officer. She talked to us about the difference between the police, the fire service and the ambulance. We got to listen to the siren on the ambulance. Then we talked about when we would need to call 111. We had a practise of this. We learnt that it is important only to call 111 in a real emergency. 

Monday 16 June 2014

Junior Fundamentals with Mark

Computers at reading time

We have the school laptops on Thursday mornings at Reading time. We have been playing on sunshine online which has lots of games and activities to practise the alphabet and high frequency words. It also has lots of stories that the computer reads aloud and we can join in.