Tuesday 21 May 2013

ICT skills

Yesterday afternoon we had the school laptops. We practised typing our names and changing the size and colour of the letters. Next we practised writing some of the words from our reading books. We used words from around the room to help us, and we could even spell some of the words from memory!

Sunday 19 May 2013

Colour experiment

Last week we tried a cool science experiment. We put some milk in a bowl and a few drops of yellow, red and blue food colouring. Then we put a cotton bud in some dishwashing liquid and put it in the milk mixture.

Nikau thought the milk would go rainbow coloured.

Hine guessed that the colours will make a pattern.

Jack said that the colours might turn all dark.

Here's what happened.....

Wow! We were so excited when the colours started swirling around. Room Two are very keen to try another science experiment soon.

Our stories

Have a read of the super stories we have been writing lately:

"We are going to work together".  Tominiko

"In the holidays I went to the races. I saw horses at the races". Lucy

"In the weekend I watched a movie". Jenna

"In the weekend I played with my sister". Ruby A.

"The colours swirled around in the bowl. I liked watching the colours". Harvey

"We mixed the colours up". Melissa

"The colours all got mixed up". Paige

"I went on the park and I went on the slide". Oscar

"I played with the magnets on the whiteboard". Kyle

"We put the food colouring in the bowl. The colours turned purple". Lily

"We put the milk in the bowl". Hine

"We mixed the colours up. The turned dark green". Connor

"I'm going to my Nan's. I'm going to have tea at Nan's". Lucas

"In the weekend I went to the movies. I watched Spiderman". Nikau

"At the movies I got popcorn. I liked the popcorn". Jack

"We put the colours in the bowl. The pretty colours swirled around in the bowl". April

"In the weekend I went to church. I sang songs with my sister". Makeleta

"We went on the field and picked the leaves up. I crunched a leaf up". Luke

"We mixed the colours together. The colours swirled around in the bowl. I liked it" Ruby W.