Monday 21 September 2015

Gymnastics Fun

"In gymnastics we jumped on a big mat" - George

"We jumped high" - Muqtasid.

"We balanced with our arms out" Monson.

"We hopped on one foot standing on the edge of the playground" Akimano.

"I rolled like a pencil in the hall" Wade.

Here is a short video of some Room Two kids showing off their skills.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Buddy Reading with Room 8

Bronson is sharing his writing with his big buddies.
Noah liked listening to stories.
Wade read a story about playing sports.
Monson was dressed as spiderman for dress up day.
Nakita looked great in her witch costume.
Kaira is a little mermaid.
Reihanas costume was scaring his buddies.
George the All Black was sharing some writing.
Anahera is having fun reading dressed as Wendy form Peter Pan.
Hayley (Queen Elsa)  is listening to a story.
Brooke is sharing her writing dressed as Bottomly Pots. Look at all those spots!

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Reading time

We are busy doing our Reading stations this week!

At Reading time we can play Reading games, listen to stories, go on the computer and tablets, do our visual diary, work at the writing table or read from our browsing boxes.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Look at Room 2 wearing our crazy hats on Mufti day!